Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Being a Packer fan is helping mend fences kind of...

At work I have been having some problems with one of the guys I work with.  We got a new boss who wants things done diffrently and I was telling my coworker how the boss wanted it done.  after spending an hour trying to get him to under stand the new way and telling him he also couldn't take up the whole alse this guy snaps one me about how I am not his Fing boss, and to quit treating him like a child.

Truth is I wasn't treating him any diffrent then I treat any of my other coworks.  I know I am kind of boss so I backed off and lisened to an good half-hour of how I am a Fing this and that.  Bad thing for him our overnight Assistan manager happend to be in the back too and heard his rant. 

After a talk with the boss he apolgized and I was ready to forget and forgive.  That is untill the next night. 
He was working in the back again and when I caught him doing the job wrong and, in a maner that actualy hurts the count that we are suppost to be doing.  Instead of talking to him and setting him off again I went to the boss.  the Boss went over and asked him how is he doing the job, my coworker LIED.  I hate that if you don't want to do the job right just say so but don't lie and make everyone who works with you look bad.
the boss had me check the bin which means that the boss knew that the other work was lieing. 

thats the past. now for the fence fixing.

He was holding a Dolphins rug at the time clock and was talking loudly about not knowing what he was going to do with it.

I half jokingly said "Burn it!"
Mike (his name has been changed) "Just because the Gaints took out your Packers."

"Did your Dolphins even make the Playoffs?"
"We won the last game."

"That's not what I asked." I laughed,
"Yeah yeah your right"

"15-2 is a great record no one else has that this year.  How many did you lose?"
"Hey we took your coach."

"You needed out coach."
 it went on and we puched out and contiuned to talk football I know I am in a better place after this talk but it will be interesting to see how working out together ends up.  He is still not doing the job right and I am still having to fix it for him. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Crazy Idea!

Any one who has read this blog probably already knows I am a Green Bay Packers fan.  I am also a Clay Matthews fan.  I find him incredibly hot no use in denying it.  When I saw that he did a PSA for Cure Duchenne it got me thinking.  

Back in High school I always wanted to do some big thing for charity but didn’t know what.  I also thought at one time that you could walk from Wisconsin to Florida.  Can anyone seeing where this is going?

Right now I have the Idea of doing a Cure Duchenne walk from my home in Florida to Green Bay Wisconsin.  It’s only 1,552 miles.  It would bring awareness to Duchenne specially if I complete this walk.  I could also raise money.  To keep my cost down I could stay with families who have been affected by Duchenne at night.

I am not saying I am defiantly doing this I am just saying this is an Idea I have.

So over the next year I am going to be getting a second Job to save up to pay the bills while I am walking.  I am going to start doing MS walks in Florida (since there is no walks just for Duchenne) to start training.  

for mor information on Duchenne http://www.cureduchenne.org/

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The world is ending......GREAT!!!!!!!!

I keep hearing about how the world is supost to end this December 21.  I say good and I don't care.

This is why I know if all of the Governments of the world would fail and complete chaos I AM in the Lords hands.  I might have hard times but I know he is always with me.  That is the right side of some of what is supposedly going to happen in December. 

Here is the darker side (kind of) if the world does end and I die...I get to go to HEAVEN so I don't see a down side in that.

Am I crazy for thinking this way?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

bills and husbands

My husband got mad that I got Internet but not cable so I get the cable to for a little extra but now the husband is mad at the bill.  "When me and three other guys shared the cabel we only paid $54 dollors" That was almost 3 years ago and that was basic we have one step up.  He wants me to cancel all of it but I need the Internet for my writing.  I can blog at the libary but going to erotic websites to post my stories is not permited at the public libary.  I am not canceling the cable when I work hard for my money and I want to be able to come home an see the shows that I want to see.  this month my pay check as paid for the rent on our apartment, his storage/workshop, my car, my car insurance, the cable/internet and all the gas for both the car and the van.  Just because he isn't working doesn't mean he getts to be an a hole.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The other side CH 3

Natasha kept her eyes closed for a moment taking in the warm kiss of the sun on her skin.  This was her favorite moment of the day.  For in this one moment Matt was still with her but, as she moved to get a start on her day her heartache came back with the force of a Mac truck.  He was out of her reach she would have to wait a lifetime to see him again.

The door to her room opened and the bouncing ball of energy that she called her son came in.  Her breath caught and a tear came to her eyes.  William was an exact copy of his father.  She caught him as he leapt onto her bed.  She was happy to be holding at lest a piece of Matt again. 
“Can we watch daddy again today?”
Watching videos of Matt had become an almost daily ritual “Of course you go turn on the TV and I’ll make pancakes.”

Will ran ahead of her to the living room and turned on the TV.  Matt’s face immediately came on the screen.  He was comparing two basketball teams.  Natasha noticed that the spark that had always danced in he eyes no longer was there.  Her Aunt Irene came out of her room at the sound of Matt’s voice.  Natasha’s family was worried about how she was dealing with out Matt they were afraid that she might do something desperate and ruin her chances of ever seeing him again.  The family had decided that Irene would life with Natasha to keep on eye on her.  Natasha didn’t mind she had missed her aunt Irene and was savoring this time. 

“You really shouldn’t watch that TV so much you know.” Was Irene’s comment as she entered the kitchen and set the tea kettle on the stove to make her coffee

Natasha just shrugged as she started measure the ingredients.  Just like when she was five she used an old fashioned hand turned egg beater to mix the buttermilk pancakes.  The smell of pancakes and bacon soon filled the apartment.  She looked out the French doors as she placed a large pile of pancakes in front of Will.  She hated that it was always so sunny when in her heart a storm was still raging.  They ate their breakfast and right on time there was a knock on the glass.  Little Cheyenne had come by for her and Wills daily game of football and tag. 

Matt tugged at his tie loosening it as he walked thought the door to his apartment.  It was hard to believe that this was the same apartment he had shared with her.  The walls where now completely covered with her pictures.  In some she smiled others she was crying or looking at him seductively.  This was his Hell, to be surrounded by her face but not be able to touch her.  He had to act out his old life everyday but he no longer had that bright spot that had lead him on his dark days.  To him it seemed like years since the plane crash but he had been told it was only two months ago.  He did something he had rarely done before the crash but, now it was his nightly ritual.  He poured himself a shot of whisky and toasted his favorite photo of Natasha.  “Welcome to hell my love.”  He drained the shot and then started to drink straight from the bottle. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

once a clutz always a clutz

I triped at work over my tied shoe laces and bruised both knees and my elbow. 
while it hurts to bend my knees to sit down or get up from chairs I understand that. 
What I don't understand is this why my shoulder hurts.  it feels like I went wieght lifting. 

Also I heard that Coach Paterno passed away.  I am happy he finaly found peace. 
He got fired and became a scapegoat when all he had was hear-say evidence to give them but the man who saw it didn't go to the police either but he is a hero. 
Give me a break

Friday, January 20, 2012

I freely admit I am LAME!!!

I am still checking into the offer to get paid for my stories I am really hopeing this comes true.

But that isn't what makes me lame.  what makes me lame is I twittered at Josh Sitton (#71 of the packers) about driving out of the snow.  when I Drove down in  April of 2010 the roads were great once I got about 6 hours from Milwkee WI.  Well he twittered me back and it made my day.  I know it's not like I actualy know him but it is still cool for me.  I am so lame.  The only thing keeping him from knockin Clay Matthews out of being my second fave Packer player right now is I don't mess with guys in long term relationships.

His post also made me homesick.  Can't wait till Aug.  I am going to take three weeks off of work and just sit on my butt with my family

Thursday, January 19, 2012

court today

Court went well today.  Well as well as it could go at lest.  When we went to check on our case last week at Imagration services they said the Court had that case and they couldn't talk to us about it.  In court today the attorney for the state didn't have the case. 

Upon hearing that Alex started to cry in fruastation and I can't blame him.  I tried to comfort him all I could think of was the last time we were infront of the judge I couldn't stop crying and now he's crying.  This judge must think we are patetic people. 

Packersnation at slackers on sunday

My Russian
I hope the next six months are better. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

calm before the storm

Today my husband and I are haveing a cuddle day.  Tomorrow we have to go to court to see if the judge will close the deportation case against him.  We will be picking on each other tomorrow as we both get stressed out over this stuff.  They say the three most stressful things you can do is get married/divorced, move and, start a new job.  When I married Alex I did all three things at once. 

I moved from Wiscosin where I had lived for 23 years to a place where I only knew my husband.  started work at a new store and for the fist time found myself the minority since almost everyone I work with is African america, Haitian or Jamaican.  I learned  fast you don't get those three confused. 

I hate how I feel when we are waiting to go to court.  It is hard knowing what you love the most might be taken from you. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I hate the waiting games.

On Friday I got an e-mail from a woman saying she will pay me $8 per story if I let her use them on her new website.  I e-mailed her my questions like it it by story or by chapter. Becasue she only refered to one chapter of one of my stories.  Also how would I get my money? now I am waiting for an e-mail with answers and it is driving my crazy. 

On Thursday My hausband and I have an immagration hearing.  I hate having the govenment in my busness but I did marry a Russian. 
My husban took this photo at a reststop as we drove from Florida to Wiscosin. That is our Bangel Jeri Lei

Jeri Lei says "Quit Blogging and feed me no one reads your blog anyway."

Panther displaying how I fell about going to work tonight.  My boss is a giant fan. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

A bitter pill

The Packers lost to the Gaints last night.  They were off their game all night long I don't think their hearts and minds were in it.  Sometimes you have to lose to really enjoy your wins.  I know we will be faster stonger better next year and that IS a sacry idea.  My prediction for next year Perfect Season enough said. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Go Pack GO!!!!!!!!!

It is a Playoff Sunday.  I am going to be going to Slackers to watch the game I know it will be a close game but I know my Packers are going to win.  Or else I will be eatting a lot of Crow. 

I am also excited that Tebow is out!!!!!! I don't hate him.  I Hate how the Media have played him up.  From what I have seen he is only good in the last 10 minuets of the game.  I think he could be an Elite quarterback if he had some one to guide him.  But, you can NOT be an elite quaterback in your ROOKIE year.  I hope that he is humble enough to learn form other quarterbacks and I hope his team is smart enought to get a mentor quarterback for him.  (Probably not but one can hope)

By the way dose any one have a football question?  I love to look things up.  plus it would let me know someone is reading this. :D

"Can I come to Slackers too?"

Saturday, January 14, 2012

An Ok week

On Tuesday my husband and I had a major fight which had me kick my husband out of my car making him go and get a cab (at the cost of $50).  There is still some tension in the house.  He doesn't admit that part of it was his fault and he won't forgive the part that is my part.  No matter how much I try to change I will always go back to being me. 

At work we have gotten two honest 100s on our scorecards.  We get scored on how many of the computer generated picks we get done in five hours.  It is hard when I am not certified to use the electic forklift so I can't do the ones on top and there are locked rooms that we can't do unless a manager is with us and on Overnight there is only one manager and he gets pulled in ten directions at once.  So we did great this week.

Tomorrow after I come home I am going to the beach with my husband untill 3pm then I am going to go to Slackers sports bar to watch the Packers V Giants game at 4:30. I can't wait for the celebration after their win.
This is a picture from my family's farm.  the buliding in back was built in the late 1800s

Friday, January 13, 2012

It is Play off time!!!!!!!

My support manager “Are your Packers ready to lose on Sunday?” He is Jamaican and has a heavy accent
Me “What are you smoking and you really need to share.”  (I don’t do drugs but for some reason I always use this line when I think some one has gone off the deep end.)
“My Giants are going to beat the Packers no question.  The Giants are a hungry team.”
“No the Packers are going to win because they have to do it for their Offensive line coach.  This game means too much for them.”
“What happened to the Offensive line coach?”
“His son died.  So He hasn’t been in all week.  If they can’t let him not being there get blamed for their loss.  It’ll be a close game but it will come done to who scores first.”
“Close game but Giants win.”
“I’ll bet you five bucks on the Packers.”
“No, like I told James (another worker) your whole paycheck.”
“I would but after you lose how are you going to pay both me and James you only have one paycheck.”

SO ...GO PACK GO!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Meg's blog and wisconsin names.

On Megan's blog (Across the Pond) she did a Vblog on her Irish boy friend who looks alot like a guy I went to school with I will have to find a pick but it reminded me about this vido on youtube of Texans trying to say the names of Wisconsin towns.  Since most of the town names are Native american words it can be funny.  even people running for president candidates have been know to get it wrong.  You would think that their helpers would make sure that they know how to say the name of the town they are in. 
Here are texans trying to be Cheese heads

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happness is...

Happness is....
 A cat sleeping on your feet on a cold day. 
A hot cup of coco as you watch the snow fall.
being woken up with a kiss.
Knowing that every thing works out in the end.
having a good friend on the phone on a bad day.
Your team winning the Super bowl (Go Pack Go)
Still having a job in this economy.
being caught up on a student loan.
knowing you are loved so much that all it takes is one phone call to make a friend jump on a plane to get to you.
Reading a Blog where some one thinks that Snow is just large rain drops. :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

I will understand one day.

Here are things in this life that I wounder about  and hope that I will understand one day.
Why some times my husband says he'll be home at 6pm and then comes home at midnight and wounders why I am mad at him.
Why some times my husband says he will be home in and hour comes home in 30mins and still expects dinner to be ready.
How come I serve up the food for him and then he will go get his own.
Why do I have the patience of a Saint but at home all it takes is one word and I turn into bitchzila
How come a playoff bye-week seems to last longer then the regular season bye-week.
(I think it has to do with knowing who you are going to be playing.)
How come a hot coco is soothing even when it is 80 degrees out side.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

a Beach day

To day Alex and I wnet to the beach.  There is some thing really nice about being held on the beach.  When when we got back to the car it was coved in tree sap.  Alex got mad and All I could think of is "Thats what happens when you park under a tree."  He is out washing the car. :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Other Side Ch 2

When Natasha opened her eyes she took in the hospital room.  She had been awakened by a Nurse changing her IV bag.  When he noticed that she was awake he smiled. “You’re going to be fine.”
“What about my baby,” she asked as she nervously ran her hand over her stomach.
“He’s fine too.”
“Is my husband out side?” The nervous look the nurse gave her sent dread flooding though her she felt like she had missed a step.  Then she remembered the smoking plane on TV.  “My husband was in a plane crash do you know if he is ok?” 
The nurse just looked at her but; it was another voice that answered her.  It was a voice that had always brought her comfort but now it brought her confusion and dread.  “Nat my Dear Matt is on the other side.”  A little gray haired lady was standing in the door way.  She was in a denim skirt that reached her knees and a brown coat just like she had every time Natasha had gotten off of the bus when she was a kid. 
Tears filled her eyes as that truth of the matter hit her.  She was immediately back to being that little kid that just wanted a hug from the old lady.  “Oh Auntie Irene,” she reached for her aunt as Irene put her purse down and sat down on the bed.  Irene pulled Natasha in to a hug that was stronger then what you would think a little old lady could do.  “But, how?”
“I knew you would need me now.  The rest we will get to later.”
Matt opened his eyes and looked around the airport lounge that they had taken all the passengers from flight 3726.  Over the hours the room had cleared as the others had gotten new flights.  His brother Mike walked across the room with a somber expression on his face.  “Why do you and Natasha always say I’ll see you on the other side?”
“Because even death can’t separate us we’ll see each other on the other side of the gate.  Why?”
“How do you know which side of the gate you are on?”
“You have to die to be on the other side.  That’s how you know which side you’re on. Why?”  Matt was getting annoyed by his little brother.
“Well, Matt I have some bad news for you.  One of you is one each side of the gate.  Care to pick which side you’re on?”

The other side. Ch 1

I have desided to name ther story I put up eariler The Other Side.  I made some changes to CH 1 so I am going to repost it. The changes were needed becase I was half asleep when I wrote it and I left out a key point.  I realy hope some one is reading this and likes it.

If she had known this was the last time she would ever see him.  She would have dragged him back to bed and made passionate love one last time.  On second thought she would have just chained him to the bed and saved them both form the pain ahead.  But, she didn't know that so she just looked at her husband, though the mirror, in his dress slacks and buttoned-down shirt.  His shirt had the top three buttons still unbuttoned and his tie was just hanging lose.  The fabric in the sleeves strained against his bunching muscles as he finished buttoning his shirt.  His electric blue eyes locked with hers in the mirror. 
“I though you were getting ready?” 
“I was but I got distracted by something.”
In a just few strides his long legs carried him across the room he crouched behind her and pulled her into his arms as he rested his chin on her shoulder with their eyes still locked in the mirror.  “Well we don’t have time for your “distracted by something” I need to get to the airport.  You’ll just have to hold on to that thought for the next few days.”
She put the final pin into the scarf covering her hair before putting her hands on his muscled arms. 
Matt smiled sadly knowing that the head scarf meant she was off to see her Muslim friends the Ammars even though she wasn’t Muslim herself she respected their traditions when she visited them.  “There’s nothing I can say to get you to give this up, is there?”
“No.  But, I promise this is the last time until after the baby comes.”  His hand moved down to her still flat stomach.  “The only way we are going to end all the hate that was born on Nine Eleven, is to understand the difference between normal Muslims and the ones who twist religion.  My documentary is already done I just wanted to spend one last day with the Ammars they have helped me in the Muslim community so much.”
“I know, just be safe.” He loosened his grip as she turned on the stool to face him.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”  When his lips touched hers they both felt the heat and electricity that surge though their bodies.  He slid his arms under her knees as she wraps her arms around his shoulders and neck.  His picked her up and held her close he loved his job as a sports broadcaster but, he hated that it took him away from her.  He gently put her down on her own two feet.  “I am going to stop by your parent’s house while I am in Green Bay.”
“Ok. What is your flight number again?”
“You got your good luck charm?”
Matt held up his wrist showing off a bracelet of her braided hair, just like you have yours.  She shook her wrist that had his hair braided on it. 
“Call me when you land.”  She was stroking his long blond hair.  They both didn’t want to leave but they also knew it was time to go.
“Always.  I’ll see you on the other side of it.”  It was their unspoken rule that they never said goodbye.  He gave her a quick kiss and then let go and grabbed his overnight bag and walked to the door before he decided to just stay.
*3 hours latter*
Natasha walked and laughed with Abir and her daughter Rasha as they walked back to the store that the Ammars owned.  When Natasha noticed the TV was off she pointed it out to Naji.  “Come on Naji we always watch the noon news together.  She went behind the counter and moved the chair over so she could stand on it to reach the TV.  As the screened flickered on her heart stopped.
There was a plane on a tarmac with dark billowing smoke coming form it.  The ticker at the bottom of the screen was scrolling “American Airlines flight 3726 crashes in Detroit.  Several presumed Dead.” Tears instantly welled up in her eyes and her hand covered her mouth and pain erupted though her body she fell as an overwhelming feeling of dread consumed her she fell back and hit her head on the colored tiles and for a long time that is all she knew.  

A long day.

When you work third shift you have to sleep during the day.  It sounds like common sence but not all people get it.  My husband is one of them.  I settled in to go to sleep and he has to ask me a question every five minuets for two hours.  After he left I got one hour of sleep before I was awaken by our black cat, Panther.
In her mouth was the end of the toliet paper and all over our studio apartmen is an unrolled roll of toliet paper.  Try cleaning that up when every move you make ends with a 9LB cat jumping on your hands and feet.  I love how she looked up at me like "I was playing with that."

Thursday, January 5, 2012

lets do the time warp again!

right now the company i work for is not permitting any overtime so I went on the computer to check my hours.  I was serverly confused when it said that in the four days I had worked this week I and racked up 47 hours. I looked at the daily hours and say that on sunday I worked 28.06 hours. So I must of stepped though a time warp that day because I don't work on sundays at all!  but hey if they want to pay me overtime to watch the Packers I am all for it.

really it was just a glich in the computer as it gave me and many others to much holiday time for new year's

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

the begining

Since my job is in the back room of a store I don't have many stories to tell from work so I thought I would put up the fist bit of a story that has been bouncing in my head for a few months.  I have no title for it right now.  Now I know that my spelling needs alot of work and so does my garmmar and I some times use the worng word if your going to leave comments on my garmmar tell me what I did wrong not just "Your grammar sucks." ok?

If she had known this was the last time she would ever see him.  She would have dragged him back to bed and made passionate love one last time.  On second thought she would have just chained him to the bed and saved them both form the pain ahead.  But, she didn't know that so she just looked at her husband, though the mirror, in his dress slacks and buttoned-down shirt.  His shirt had the top three buttons still unbuttoned and his tie was just hanging lose.  The fabric in the sleeves strained against his bunching muscles as he finished buttoning his shirt.  His electric blue eyes locked with hers in the mirror. 
“I though you were getting ready?” 
“I was but I got distracted by something.”
In a just few strides his long legs carried him across the room he crouched behind her and pulled her into his arms as he rested his chin on her shoulder with their eyes still locked in the mirror.  “Well we don’t have time for your “distracted by something” I need to get to the airport.  You’ll just have to hold on to that thought for the next few days.”
She put the final pin into the scarf covering her hair before putting her hands on his muscled arms. 
Matt smiled sadly knowing that the head scarf meant she was off to she her Muslim friends the Ammars even though she wasn’t Muslim herself she respected their traditions when she visited them.  “There’s nothing I can say to get you to give this up, is there?”
“No.  But, I promise this is the last time until after the baby comes.”  His hand moved down to her still flat stomach.  “The only way we are going to end all the hate that was born on Nine Eleven, is to understand the difference between normal Muslims and the ones who twist religion.  My documentary is already done I just wanted to spend one last day with the Ammars they have helped me in the Muslim community so much.”
“I know, just be safe.” He loosened his grip as she turned on the stool to face him.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”  When his lips touched hers they both felt the heat and electricity that surge though their bodies.  He slid his arms under her knees as she wraps her arms around his shoulders and neck.  His picked her up and held her close he loved his job as a sports broadcaster but, he hated that it took him away from her.  He gently put her down on her own two feet.  “I am going to stop by your parent’s house while I am in Green Bay.”
“Ok. What is your flight number again?”
“Call me when you land.”  She was stroking his long blond hair.  They both didn’t want to leave but they also knew it was time to go.
“Always.”  He gave her a quick kiss and then let go and grabbed his overnight bag and walked to the door before he decided to just stay.
*3 hours latter*
Natasha walked and laughed with Abir and her daughter Rasha as they walked back to the store that the Ammars owned.  When Natasha noticed the TV was off she pointed it out to Naji.  “Come on Naji we always watch the noon news together.  She went behind the counter and turned on the TV.  She stepped up on a chair to reach the TV.  As the screened flickered on her heart stopped.
There was a plane on a tarmac with dark billowing smoke coming form it.  The ticker at the bottom of the screen was scrolling “American Airlines flight 3726 crashes in Detroit.  Several presumed Dead.” Tears instantly welled up in her eyes and her hand covered her mouth and pain erupted though her body she fell as an overwhelming feeling of dread consumed her she fell back and hit her head on the colored tiles and for a long time that is all she knew.   

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My first post

This is my first post so be nice!  My name is Heather I would like to think I live up to it.  Hether being a small flower that is storng.  I write for and adult website as a way to practice and inprove on my writting skills.  I hope to be a published author one day.  I think that all men should read romance novels to get an idea on how a woman's mind works.  Trust me you would get more sex if you romance her.

I am married but there are days I wish I wasn't.  I have two cats that I would never give up. 

When the Packers are playing I am at the local sports bar as Florida TV doesn't show all the Green Bay games.  I Wouldn't say no to meeting Clay Matthers (#52 of the Green Bay Packers if you didn't know).  Not only because he is what a fantasy man should look like but becuase he comes form a large family too.  But I don't think I would actualy want to date him it would ruin the fantasy becasue lets face it no matter who good you guys are in bed.  The man in a woman's head is always better as that man knows all her secrets and knows exsactly where all her hot spots are.

If home is where your heart is then I hope to find my way home again.